
As the sole copywriter at Medium, I’ve made an impact on nearly every possible surface from landing pages to in-app copy. Our 2020 rebrand in particular let me flex my marketing, UX, and brand writing skills, actively iterating, testing, and optimizing all copy along the way.

“Every idea needs a Medium.” This flexible line reflects Medium’s mission to be a place where ideas can be shared, grow stronger, reach their potential, and flourish. Whether you’re an artist, an organizer, a poet, or a ponderer, there’s a home for your ideas on Medium. landing pages

With our newly developed branding and tone of voice in hand, our team rethought every landing page from the ground up. Because Medium caters to readers, creators, and everyone in between, each page was an opportunity to write for a unique audience. If you’d like to view the entire page (please do!), just click its image.


UX COPY: New user onboarding

Medium’s evolution to a more follow-driven platform gave us the opportunity to build a better onboarding experience. Now, new users can find and follow top writers from day one to fill their feeds with fresh, useful ideas.

Click to enlarge.


We updated empty states with more helpful, conversational language and eliminated dead ends where possible.

Click to enlarge.